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Posts published in “Day: August 21, 2009”

Mallahan v. McGinn

Joe Mallahan

Joe Mallahan

Mike McGinn

Mike McGinn

Too many M's - Mike McGinn, and Joe Mallahan . . .

But one of them, one of two guys hardly known by the community only a couple of months ago, will be Seattle's next mayor. Incumbent Greg Nickels, who was widely expected at least to survive this week's primary election, conceded today. His timing was just about right: His votes have been close enough to the other two that he realistically might have edged into second place, until last evening's results which made that more problematic. And today's have erased most doubt.

One of the basics from politics 101: If an incumbent is on the ballot, the election is almost always more about the incumbent than about the challenger(s). And the results in this one could hardly have been any more definitive, with about three-fourths of Seattle voters deciding to throw Nickels out. Even had he slid through this week, he almost surely would have lost in November. For him, the effect is to cut short the pain. (And his timely concession cut it a little further.)

The two who continue on, though, will present some fine fuel for analysis. Since neither is an incumbent, and since they have won nearly identical numbers of votes - and neither can be considered a clear front-runner - the shape and substance of the general election is up for grabs in many ways.

It does have some context. Some suggestions for how to start to look at it . . . (more…)

Guns, guns, guns


Challis McAfee/Ada Co

A man in western Ada County was in his house late afternoon on Tuesday when he noticed a man outside taking pictures of his place. When he stepped outside to inquire why, they argued briefly -the man said he was on foreclosure business for a bank - and then the photographer reached into his vehicle and pulled a .357 magnum on him.

The man, Challis McAfee, is a local Republican official (precinct chair) and member of the state Republican central committee, and active in Boise-area Tea Party activities. He was taking pictures, he said, as part of a foreclosure investigation; a contractor hired through Wells Fargo confirmed that.

Meridian police arrested McAfee and charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

You could say all sorts of things about this incident. Here, we'll just note how perfectly it seems to encapsulate so much of the moment . . .