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Preventable error

And sometimes it really is just the one more straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn seemed to be hanging in there with the Seattle Police Department after the highly critical report by the Department of Justice, which said the department has had a bad practice of using excessive force. In the early part of this week, he seemed to be taking their side fairly consistently.

As of today, no more: He has specifically ordered Chief John Diaz to execute the recommendations in the DOJ report. The tone, certainly, has changed. Maybe the policy too.

What happened is something only McGinn can say specifically. Speculation here is that it may have something to do with this:

Acknowledgement by a police spokesman that the police department (on Diaz’ orders) paid a laws firm $12,000 to find out who leaked information about (the Seattle Times reported) “the department’s internal investigation of an incident in which Officer Shandy Cobane threatened to beat the ‘Mexican piss’ out of a prone Latino man.”

Apparently the police department wasn’t able to conduct its own investigation.

For $12,000. Just wait for the Facebook items to detail what else $12,000 could have bought in these tight economic times.

It’s enough to generate a little irritation in a mayor’s office.

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