Question came up during conversation yesterday with a journalist from D.C. of whether Oregon House Speaker Jeff Merkley‘s likely entry into the U.S. Senate race would mean a withdrawal of some or many of the other names mentioned as prospects. Conclusion seemed to be that yes, likely it would.
That’s not the explicit reason given today for the statement that Senator Alan Bates, D-Ashland, won’t after all run for the Senate. After expressing some interest in the idea, he told the local Daily Tidings today that he’ll stay where he is: “At this point, my family, my patients, and legislative work for universal health coverage for all Oregonians takes precedence over a bid for the U.S. Senate.” (Pointer via Blue Oregon.)
Okay; but one has to suspect that the news about Merkley wasn’t entirely irrelevant.
We suspect more decisions-against will be following before long.
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