Just damned angry!
Someone asked me how I was the other day and my immediate response was "Angry!" Didn't have to think twice.
What's going on in Washington D.C. is a Constitutional crisis if there ever was one. And, it should make all Americans angry.
Who the hell is Elon Musk and why has he been allowed to insert himself at the top of our political system? Why has he been given access to critical government files of the Treasury Department?
More questions. Why has there been no effective push back? Why has his interference gone without a solid government response?
Elon Musk and his minions are rummaging through classified government data they have no business getting access to. But, access they have. Did the approval for that access come from the White House? From the President?
Musk may be the world's richest man. As such, he may have a lot more clout than most of us. He may be on close personal terms with Donald Trump.
But, his riches - and that relationship - should not include unfettered interference in our national affairs. It should not include permission to download classified - or unclassified - information from government files.
The executive branch has seized a power it does not have from Congress and the American people: to eliminate agencies created by Congress, suspend payments authorized by law, break contracts entered into under that law, rewrite the Constitution and ignore the judiciary when push comes to shove.
It falls to Democrats - and disaffected Republicans - to retake the rightful powers authorized by that Constitution and halt the unauthorized access that's going on.
It falls to Democrats, Independents - and disaffected Republicans - to stand solidly against any attempt to usurp those powers by Musk or anyone else who follows in his footsteps.
It's often said that Trump operates in "chaos" mode. That may be alright in his business world. That may be what he's used to. But, chaos has no place in the conduct of American governance.
And, Musk's interruption of governmental affairs needs to be firmly - and quickly - ended.
Musk may be "the world's richest man." That may give him a louder voice than the rest of us. But, he still puts his pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. He lives under the same laws as the rest of us. He's expected to abide by those laws. Like the rest of us.
It's time for the courts to step in. The judiciary is the only "voice" we have to deal with Musk and his challenges to the rule of law.
Trump has only begun his four-year term in office. The current chaos was created in just the first week.
We've still got 207 weeks to go. Stay tuned.