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Who are these guys?

Well, I’m sure you’ve realized by now that the Idaho legislature is in session.

I forgive you if you haven’t.

Most Idahoans don’t even know who represents them in the legislature. I know this from experience.

Prove me wrong. Say out loud, right now, your Idaho legislators by name.

I did this cheap parlor trick at a luncheon where I was asked to speak at when I served in the Idaho legislature. It was a “Day at the Capitol” for Idaho physicians, sponsored by the Idaho Medical Association. At the time, there were three physicians in the legislature. Now there are none. Maybe I’m to blame.

The docs in the room had some gripes and some issues, and the two veteran legislator doctors who spoke before me did a good job of laying out the political landscape so these doctors could know what to expect from certain bills. At the time, Medicaid Expansion was the big issue, and it was going nowhere. The two old veterans did a good job explaining why. I took a different tack.

“Okay, so you guys want to make a change in policy in this state.” I stood up and started walking amongst the round tables with rubber chicken on their plates. I got into my football rallying mode.

There were some quiet nods, but no “Hell yeah!” from anyone. So, I damped down.

“Medicaid Expansion makes sense to you, to me, and our two previous speakers. It makes sense for our counties, our hospitals, our patients. But as they have told you, our legislators don’t see this sense.”

My less aggressive tone got less slumps and more attention. So, I went stronger.

“So, who needs persuasion? It’s not me. It’s not my veteran fellow legislators. It’s your representatives.”

I posed to the woman to my right. “Name your representatives and senator.” She gave me a blank look. “Where do you live?” She told me. I named them for her. I asked the next guy. He was blank too. The fourth guy knew one of his three legislators.

“If you want to have any influence on this process you have to have a relationship with the person representing you. You should have their phone number in your contacts. You need to meet with them in the summer, when they are not down here in Boise, and let them know what is important to you.” I sat down. Since then, no doctor has run for the legislature. I don’t know if I helped anybody do this work.

Healthcare is a big part of Idaho’s economy. More, it’s a big part of our communities, our culture. There are plenty of wacko doctors out there, and it seems the wackos like to run for office. Maybe it’s not all my fault we have little healthcare representation in our Capitol.

But we have representation as the State Constitution and law requires. But who are these guys?

I can name all my legislators. And I can tell you which have been in the local news. One has been at forums and responded to questions from local reporters. Two have not. Two of the elected representatives who vote for me in the Idaho statehouse have avoided public comment.

I didn’t vote for any of them. But they represent me. They vote for me.

I feel like Butch and Sundance after they robbed the Harriman rich guy’s train. They are running from a pack of paid hunters they can’t shake. “Who are these guys?”

I know there are issues that are coming up before the legislature that I care about. I don’t think I have much influence on their vote.

I don’t think they would listen to me.

And that right there is the end of this representative democracy. I will try harder. I wish they would too.


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