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Posts published in “Day: June 18, 2024”


Little by little, candidates from the far-right fringe are showing up on our ballots for this-and-that elective office.  More than years past.

Once seemingly content to sit in the bushes, while bad-mouthing those with the enough backbone to put themselves out there, some of the hecklers are running for - and securing - seats on city councils, school districts and elsewhere.

It's hard to see anything but bad news ahead when these malcontents start making decisions on public matters.  Many seem to lack the necessary experience or allied backgrounds to bring anything meaningful to public service.  Many offer nothing positive - nothing constructive.  Just their complaints

Right now, on the whole, our nation is divided more than at anytime in my long life.  Top to bottom, public anger is, currently in some instances , more the rule than the exception.  It's hard to see how anger - alone - can improve conditions

What we need are peacemakers and the valued cooperation they would  bring to the task.  Instead, what we're getting on our ballots are more and more  representatives from the right.  Angry voices of dissent and division are gaining footholds on school boards, city councils, county commissions and - yes Virginia - even on HOA's.

This being the case, we face a difficult future.  Bringing dissent and anger to the job is a sure-fire way to accomplish nothing.

Some people say "It's Trump's fault."

I don't buy that excuse.  Our national anger was there long before the "Orange Man" was a factor.  He just capitalized on it - turned it to his advantage.

Someone once said "The difference between a parade and a lynching is whether you're walking in the crowd or out front."  Trump has managed - so far - to avoid the front while stirring up marchers in the back.

Try as I might, I haven't figured out why this national anger exists.  Where did it start?  Who started it?  Why?  How?

In reality, there isn't much to be angry about these days.  The stock market has climbed to the highest numbers in its history.  Wages for most folks have kept pace with inflation or better.  Unemployment is hovering between three and four-percent.  For some years now we've avoided getting mired in someone else's war.

Overall, our national picture is actually pretty bright.

Still, there is this unease - this feeling of malaise - that permeates so much of what we do.  Like we can't - as a nation - find secure footing.  Regain our balance.  Set ourselves on a solid foundation.

One of these days, the Trump trial(s) will be over.  One of these days, there'll be other things for the talking heads to talk about.

One of these days.
