There comes a time when you've got to say "Enough is enough!"
For me, when talking about the 48-percent of Americans who refuse to get vaccinated, that time is NOW! Enough is enough!
The child-like stubbornness exhibited when it comes to protecting oneself from the ravages of COVID - and whatever morphs from these strains we're now dealing with - has created very dangerous conditions for all of us. Damned fools who refuse scientific fact are listening to TV talking heads who know nothing. But, you just know, the talking heads have gotten their own shots.
People with real medical emergencies are being turned away from hospitals filled with unnecessary COVID cases and sick fools who've taken horse medications. People have died because of this mindless refusal on the part of some 48-million of us to get the shot(s).
Health care programs like Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance are being hit with unnecessary costs. Again, from these same people - driving the costs of care up by their ignorant behavior.
Because of the lying excrement from Faux Neus, OAN and other right-wing media, that ignorance is seen as "truth" - as "knowledge" - from their closed-circuit input of lies. They 'exist' in a world of fallacies, fantasies and untruths, ignoring mountains of scientific advice and evidence from government agencies steeped in many years of research.
We're being warned by credible medical authorities that, if current conditions continue without change, if the unvaccinated count remains as it is, more than 100-thousand of us will die this year because of the large number of people unvaccinated.
We see calls for government or business to "do something." Do what?
This medically dangerous condition in nearly half of all Americans not taking the necessary steps to protect themselves - to protect the rest of us - can't be remedied by either entity. The shots - paid for by government - are free. Programs and campaigns underwritten by business already exist. Again, do what?
Let's fantasize here a moment.
Suppose we stop paying for these miscreants when they eventually show up at the hospital. And they will. Medicare, Medicaid, all private insurance. Just stop paying. Do lots of advertising. Posters, news stories everywhere. Even sky-write if necessary. Really get the word out. No shot, you're on your own for all associated heath care costs. Every penny.
Second, make masks mandatory, when necessary, in all places of business for the unvaccinated - Mom and Pop groceries to Yankee Stadium! No mask, no vaccination card, no entry. And enforce it.
Third, for businesses having sales on merchandise, no discount for the unvaccinated. Show a valid shot card or pay full price. For businesses selling large items like RV's, cars, boats or even houses, add 10% to the price for the unvaccinated.
Now, I realize these fantasies come from an old desert rat. And, there are likely laws to prevent some of the "recommendations." And, legal challenges sure to come.
But, if we don't start thinking "out-of-the-box" and take some stiff actions to increase compliance, more than 100-thousand Americans will die each year!
We can't stop Faux Neus and the other irresponsible media from their deceitful and disgusting output. We can't stop the flow of lies and disinformation rampant on (un)social media. "First Amendment" don't ya know.
But, allowing nearly half the population of this nation to endanger the lives of the rest of us - and themselves - can't continue.
When you have insurance companies, medical practice organizations and hospitals trying to recruit retired professionals, you have to realize what's coming. Every day, some of those 40-million or so, unvaccinated are flooding the system. In some cases, forcing denial of life-saving care for the innocent - people who got the vaccine but have immediate care needs and can't gain access due to the lines of the unvaccinated.
There is no 'one answer.' But, if our nation is going to continue to function - if we're ever going to be a healthy nation again - if we're going to avoid the destruction of our health care system - we need real answers.
(image/US Food & Drug Administration)