If you're open minded, and a bit skeptical about the howling coming from our immediate past-President, I have a suggestion.
Step out on your front porch, face the direction of the prevailing breezes, let out all your breath, hold it, then breathe in deeply.
Aw, come on. DEEPLY. Just once. That's it.
There seems to be small changes wafting on the Republican breezes. Small. But, change nonetheless.
Take what happened in Ohio a couple of months ago. A proposal was floated. A proposal to require a 60-40 approval on all statewide ballot issues, rather than 51-49 as cited in Ohio's state constitution.
Nearly everyone knew - with even a smattering of political upbringing - just knew this was a precursor to block any future measure to liberalize abortion rights. Change the threshold for approval of any change in the law from 51-49 to 60-40. That would make it harder for any abortion-rights sponsored legislation to get on the ballot.
But, Ohioans weren't having it. The pro-life forces were silenced by a sizeable margin. Even some GOP voters joined the winning side.
And, that's the small change. In state after state, local election after local election, there seems to be a growing moderate - yes, Virginia - moderate Republican contingent. Ohio was one example. But, there are other GOP voices being heard. Softly. But, they're out there.
The breeze of change that wafted my way came as I talked with some Republican friends. Yes, I do have some Republican friends.
In local conversations, more moderate folks have been lamenting far-right GOP'ers get all the media attention while more middle-of-the-road Republicans have been largely ignored. Ignored by media and even other Republicans. As if they didn't exist.
But, they do. In a number of recent local and statewide votes, their presence has been felt. Like Ohio.
I'd like to think these more middle-of-the road folks are starting to speak up. Maybe the local conversations in other places are expressing similar displeasure with the antics of their edge-of-the-earth brethren.
Like "Enough is ENOUGH!"
The moderate portion of the GOP has not had much to say for the last 40-years or so. Emboldened by right-wing "hate-radio," Fox, Newsmax and others, the far-right has gathered unto itself a loud, vocal constituency. Moderate Republicans have not had such a media presence to rally around. But, they're out there.
Recent voting on referendums and reliable polling, indicate that maybe - just maybe - the middle-of-the-road crew is using the ballot box to show some strength.
Politics running from the far right side of the road - or left - are not in our nation's best interests. Neither voice represents the much larger middle constituency.
In some of the larger media markets, there are new talk shows. Not right. Not left. But, middle. With participation swinging both ways. Lively? Yes. Good conversations? Yes. But, it takes a strong hand of the host wielding the microphone not to let things swing too far. One way or the other. It's a tough task. I know. I used to have a microphone on a 50-thousand watt station doing talk. It ain't easy.
Wouldn't it be great to have two major political parties advancing their differing outlooks from the middle, rather than trying to talk over each other? As they used to say in our first Constitutional Congress, "I vote yea!"
But, we need to be careful about reading too much into the perceived voices of moderate Republicans. Their presence - based on recent elections - is out there. But, it's still too early to determine if they'll become stronger in future voting. Like Ohio. Or, if the far-right talkers of the GOP eventually drown them out.
But, just knowing of their presence is refreshing. May their tribe increase!