We six were predecessors of Lawrence Wasden as Idaho Attorney General from 1971 to 2003. We have had the opportunity to observe his handling of that important legal office during the 20 years of his tenure. It is our collective judgment that Lawrence has faithfully complied with his solemn oath to support the Constitutions of Idaho and the United States. He has served the people with honesty and courage.
Lawrence is Idaho’s longest-serving Attorney General with five elected terms. He is unique in having worked his way through the office ranks, starting as a deputy in 1989, through chief of staff, to the beginning of his 20-year tenure as AG in 2003.
Throughout his career, he has shown himself to be incorruptible and scrupulously honest in providing legal advice to the State. While some would be tempted to shade their counsel for political advantage, Lawrence would have none of that. He characterized his role as honestly “calling the balls and strikes,†even when his umpire-like stance evoked howls of outrage from some legislative spectators and their supporters. Lawrence has been the consummate upholder of the rule of law.
He brought the same dedication to the law in performing his fiduciary duty as a State Land Board member. He insisted on following the constitutional mandate to obtain the maximum long-term return from endowment lands, despite entreaties or threats from land users. He successfully sued the Land Board to require compliance with the law.
He understood that he was ultimately answerable to the people and dedicated himself to serving their legal interests without great fanfare. As he prepares to leave the office he obviously reveres, it is in excellent condition and up to the task of advancing Idaho’s important legal interests.
With our collective 32 years of service in the position, we can recognize an Attorney General who excels. Lawrence Wasden has courageously represented the State of Idaho and its people and will be remembered as one of our very best Attorneys General. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to Lawrence and his wife and partner Tracey for their dedicated service to the Gem State and best wishes for the future.
Tony Park, 1971-1975; Wayne Kidwell, 1975-1979; Dave Leroy, 1979-1983
Jim Jones, 1983-1991; Larry Echo Hawk, 1991-1995; Al Lance, 1995-2003