Interesting Daily Beast article today on Seattle’s new gun tax – a tax on gun and ammo sales, effective just about a week ago after it survived not long before a court challenge.
Many types of gun-related legislation on a local level runs into a buzz saw of legal problems, in Washington (and many other states) notably the state law (pushed through by the NRA) that local governments cannot regulate guns in any way. Taxes are a different matter, not subject to that kind of rule.
The taxes are not so large as to be intended to curtail gun or ammo purchases. They amount to $25 on each gun sold, two cents per round of .22 caliber ammo, five cents per round for other rounds.
They would provide money for research on gun violence, something Seattle has done on its own hook in the past but hasn’t been followed up.
In some ways this isn’t a huge deal. But as part of a series of national indicators that policy on guns actually may be amenable to some significant change, maybe it is. – rs (photo/Michael Saechang)
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