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Posts published in “Day: December 25, 2014”

Oregon Republican nearly out of cash

harris ROBERT


We know that the Oregon Republican Party is in financial crisis. Not necessarily individual candidates or officials, many had well funded campaigns and were able to raise money and had money spent on their behalf by independent expenditure organizations.

But the Republican Party of Oregon itself has done little in the way of fundraising or candidate support. Here is some data from ORESTAR for December, 2014. And while the graph above displays cash balance, just as important is the data on money raised and money spent in support of organization and candidates. If the GOP had raised and spent $2,000,000, their cash balance wouldn’t be concerning.

PARTY 2014 Income 2014 Expenses Current Cash

Democratic $ 2,359,768 $2,328.974 $ 148,201
Republican $22,436 $29,836 $ 600
Independent $15,553 $11,050 $15,562

Of course each county has a local Democratic and Republican Party. Perhaps the Republican focused their party building efforts locally? A spot check of the larger counties dispels that theory. (more…)

On the front pages


Here’s what public affairs news made the front page of newspapers in the Northwest today, excluding local crime, features and sports stories. (Newspaper names contracted with location)

Challis area earthquake swarm reported Monday (Boise Statesman)
Wave of package thefts on Christmas Eve in Palouse (Moscow News)
Magnida, ConAgra agree on new American Falls plant (Boise Statesman, Pocatello Journal)

Review of new laws effective January 1 (Portland Oregonian)
Reviewing 2014 environmental stories (Salem Statesman Journal)

Reviewing Olympia's Quixote Village for homeless (Olympian)
Carbon emissions in WA falling (Olympian)
Baby Jesis stolen from capitol nativity scene (Olympian)
IRS sues Ballmer, others over Microsoft taxes (Seattle Times)
Supreme Court throws out charges in Clemmons case (Tacoma News Tribune)