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Posts published in “Day: April 21, 2009”

It’s in the Times

blue house

In the window, in the Blue House/Stapilus

What you see here is the Blue House, a former residential building located a block or so from the Washington statehouse. It is where what remains of the statehouse press corps has its offices, a non-extravagant but functional place for the reporters. (And, from time to time, Bob the Cat.)

Directing your attention to the windows to the right of the doorway, you'll be looking at the Olympia office of the Seattle Times. Now look to the center window, and you'll see a patch of red. That is an old newspaper dispenser formerly used - and still painted for - the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which has quit printing its paper editions. The P-I's slogan long was, "It's in the P-I."

Can't be helped: Now, it appears, the P-I is in the Times.

The popular meter reader

Well worth the read on the job front: Nicole Brodeur's column today in the Seattle Times, about the job opening at the city of Tacoma. The city runs the local electric utility, and it needed to hire a meter reader.

There were 1,400 applicants. Brodeur: "so many applicants, they had to rent out the Tacoma Dome for the testing."