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The political press, expanded

This site would be remiss, as a reporter on politics in the Northwest, not to take note of the decision of at least one major campaign to bounce two bloggers from a press conference.

Goldy of Horse’s Ass (one of the bouncees, from a Republican Dino Rossi press conference) on the point involved: “we are a legitimate part of the media, and it is in the public interest that we be treated that way. For as more and more traditional media moves online while blogs like mine expand the quantity and quality of our coverage, the line between the two will continue to blur, making any effort to ghettoize mere bloggers nothing more than a convenient excuse to deny access to journalists who produce unflattering coverage.”

Horse’s Ass is an explicitly liberal/Democratic site, but it also produces a lot of useful, original information – dare we say original reporting. It is as useful a political site (as long as you remember where it’s coming from) as any in the region, including the large corporate variety.

Our guess is that this sort of bouncing will be happening less and less in future cycles.

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