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Posts published in “Day: September 4, 2008”

Palin in Oregon?

The first indicator we've seen of a fall appearance by one of the major presidential/vice presidential nominees: A report that Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin may come to Oregon for a fundraiser? How solidly it's sourced isn't clear, but interesting if true.

Do you suppose she'll answer questions . . . or say something unscripted?

Lotsa colleges

Something more on the Sarah Palin front - nothing scandalous, but seemingly a curiosity.

In Idaho, there's been mention that she attended North Idaho College at Coeur d'Alene, and later the University of Idaho at Moscow.

And so she did, but there's more to it. Her collegiate career started, for one semester, at Hawaii Pacific University (though no press release there noting her as an alumna). From there she went to NIC for a year, and then UI for a year. And then back home to Alaska, to the Matanuska-Susitna College (at Palmer, close to Wasilla), for a semester, after which she returned to the UI for another year, at which point she got her degree in journalism.

Nothing wrong with moving from one college to another; lots of students do. But the number of moves is interesting, and the coursework needed for a journalism degree (or a polisci minor) wouldn't have been especially specialized, and could be gotten in many places. Any thoughts as to why so many transfers may have happened in this case?

Pointed to the door

We suggested some posts back that if the Idaho race for the U.S. Senate got close enough, that the minor-candidate factor could start to come into play. Put another way, Democrat Larry LaRocco will have a difficult time getting to 50% of the vote to defeat Republican Jim Risch, but he might be able to do it with, say, 45% if the various other candidates for the Senate - including a Libertarian and two independents, all self-described conservatives - pull enough votes.

Apparently we're not alone in thinking so. The Libertarian in question, Kent Marmon (who has run previously as a Republican) says that Representative Bill Sali personally asked him to drop out, because their runs might hurt Risch's chances. Evidently leading Republicans have called the other two - businessman Rex Rammell of eastern Idaho and the man name Pro-Life, of Emmett - and made similar appeals.

A sign the race may be closer than we think?