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Posts published in “Day: October 16, 2006”

Sign control

Auseful explanatory piece in Willamette Week explains something a number of Interstate 5 drivers in Oregon have noticed: Almost all the signs along the busiest roadways are for Republican candidates, notably gubernatorial candidate Ron Saxton.

Does this mean that area is overwhelmingly Republican? Not exactly.

The paper notes, "even if Kulongoski had his signs ready to go, the man who dominates Interstate 5 between here and Salem, along with many of the busiest thoroughfares in Clackamas and Yamhill counties, wouldn't put them up. 'I just do this for people who can further the conservative Republican agenda,' says Cliff Zauner, a retired two-term state representative from Woodburn. 'I wouldn't do it for Kulongoski for any amount of money.' Except for a single Kulongoski sign and eight that Democratic House candidate Chuck Leesnuck placed near Salem , Zauner has given Republicans a lock on the well-traveled central I-5 corridor."

The paper adds, "The signs Zauner erects along I-205, and highways 224 and 212 in Clackamas County, are the result of a long friendship with one of the area's largest property owners, Terry Emmert."

Ha: Ousting SayWA

These things always seem to end in such a whimper. And in this case you can understand why.

SayWA is no more.


We took issue with it back in March when it was announced as Washington's new state slogan. A lot of other people took issue with it in stronger terms.

The Seattle Post Intelligencer reports that "The tag line was pulled on the basis of a recommendation from the state's Tourism Advisory Council, as well as market research indicating the ads weren't doing a sufficient job of driving readers to Washington's tourism Web site."

New slogan, anyone?