Three likeable things jump out from the campaign web page of Jim Hansen, now the sole Democratic candidate for the House in Idaho's 2nd congressional district.
One of them is the clear statement, up near the top right, saying: "Jim Hansen - an Idaho Democrat." There: He said it. He's a Democrat. A lot of other Idaho Democrats seem to do whatever they can to play it down. Hansen plays it up, and that's good politics: You should always wear what you have as a badge of honor. That may mean being despised by your own party's leadership (in the case of Republican Bill Sali) or may mean any number of other things. In Hansen's case, he's doing something a little audacious and wise, defining himself as an example of the species Idahoa Democraticus. He has something to live up there, since other Democrats will be tagged with him. But if he carries himself well, his whole party benefits. This kind of approach done in mass can do a lot to define who a party is, through who its people are.
Second thing is down toward the bottom of the page. There, he includes links not only to the web site of his recently-departed primary opponent, Craig Cooper, but also to his Republican opponent, incumbent Mike Simpson. Subtle, but something you don't see often - and another smart move. It's an open invitation to contrast and compare, with the implicit message: I'm not afraid of what you'll think about me after you check us all out. It puts him out there and above it all at the same time. (more…)