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Posts published in “Day: March 15, 2006”

Money from wherever

In some states this sort of thing could be damaging politically, though not in Idaho since Republicans evidently are impervious to assault there. Noted anyway, and because the attention now is national, this front-paged item about Idaho's two Republican senators, Larry Craig and Mike Crapo, on the liberal Daily Kos blog:

The Culture of Corruption has even hit Idaho. Like Republicans need to be corrupt to get elected there. Crapo has taken in more campaign money from residents of the Virgin Islands, $39,000 by the end of the 2005-06 election cycle, than Idahoans--under $20,000. And the story that has my dad (kossack Old Timer) really excited, details $43,500 received by Craig from contributors connected with Cunningham. The Idaho Statesman has done a good job of tying donations to legislation sponsored by Craig. Unfortunately, they haven't put that information online. Once this was all found out, Craig donated the money to charity. Not that it helps right now, neither being up this cycle, but we can always look ahead.

A Virgin Island news report noted this on Northwest senators: "Senator Harold Gordon Smith, a Republican from Oregon, took in the second-largest amount [from Virgin Island sources] with a total of $47,000 from 48 donors. Michael D. Crapo received $39,000 from 27 donors in the Virgin Islands this cycle. The site reports this doubled what he received from residents of his own state this election cycle. Crapo is also mentioned in the [New York] Sun article. It says, 'Observers familiar with the efforts said the primary target is Sen. Crapo, a Republican of Idaho, whom Virgin Islanders hope will introduce an amendment to upcoming tax legislation allowing individuals to be considered USVI residents if they spend just three months out of every year there.' He is a member of the Finance Subcommittee: Taxation and IRS Oversight."

The Crapo explanation on the Virgin Islands money (via the Idaho State Journal and Spokesnan-Review):

"He's very much involved in the philosophy states should be able to determine states' business," Crapo spokeswoman Susan Wheeler told the Idaho State Journal. "And in the same vein, territories should be able to determine the tax benefits that bolster business and the economy."

Jaws dropping

There's this much anyhow: You never would have picked this out as the possible new slogan for Washington state.


Some state slogans actually do stick in the mind and have some branding utility: "Super, Natural" British Columbia and "Things Look Different Here" in Oregon c0me to mind. Somehow, Washington's new catch-phrase doesn't seem to have quite that kind of quality:

SayWA. (Coupled with, at times, "This is the sound of jaws dropping." Or, "This is the noise happy muscles make.")

Of course, the immediate response is: Say what? Yes, all right, it's a play off that phrase - but was that a really good idea? And yes, there is an obscure language in South America in which "saywa" means "landmark." And that point is ...?

In the Seattle Times online poll, 79% said of the slogan, "Are you kidding? It's lame."

Then there was the comment from a major regional tourism businessman, Darrell Bryan, general manager of Victoria Clipper: "Thirty-five years ago I smoked dope and probably could have come up with something like that."