He's to be sentenced in a few weeks unless expected appeals move that July 11 date.
He was charged properly. He had a proper trial. Upon presentation of good and sufficient evidence, he was convicted by a jury of us proper common folk. A judge will, eventually, pronounce a proper sentence. All according to various and sundry proper laws.
But, if you listen to the garment-wrenching, loin cloth-tearing reaction to the legal proceedings by Republicans in Congress, you'd think Trump's case had been handled by Judge Judy and a jury of the seven dwarfs.
Absurd? Yes!
But, a couple of angry steps above absurd, the accursed voice of Jim Jordan who loudly threatened to drag Judge Marchan AND his daughter before a committee for congressional tar and feathering!
Now, I'm an old guy. And, I may have napped through that period of time when our entire judicial system was overhauled by some far-right Republican think tank. So, all this GOP mayhem and threat-mongering may be well-founded.
But, I think not.
If, disregarding a mountain of evidence, Trump had been found innocent, I'd guess Jordan and fellow travelers would be dancing in the streets and heaping praises on that same judicial system.
All the bombastic whining by Jordan and others is wrong. Just wrong. A verdict, reached in a duly-convened State Court, is just that: a verdict. An appealable verdict. And, it surely will be.
If that Republican far-right group in Congress is indicative of Republicans at-large, then the Party has lost its way. If Jordan and his followers really believe the Trump conviction is wrong - that our judicial system is seriously flawed - they're lost in their own bombast.
I'd like to ask those miscreants how much attention they paid to the six-week trial. I'd like to ask them how much of the evidence they actually reviewed. I'd like to ask them if they actually listened to the Court's charge to the jury before deliberations.
Sadly, we don't need to wait for their answers. We already know how little attention they paid to the proceedings.
What we're hearing from Jordan et al is the disgusting response of children who lost a kid's game. Not an honest, adult reaction from people elected to responsibly carry out the business of this nation.
Forgetting that the Trump case was a state matter - not federal - the wrong-headed anguish of the far-right is badly misdirected. Their threats and efforts to intimidate are, indeed, childish.
If there were problems with the lengthy court proceedings, there are plenty of appeal remedies available. If anything was improper - in the smallest detail - legal minds, working within the legal system, can seek relief. There are at least six weeks between conviction and sentencing. Plenty of time to get everything right.
There will be more Trump trials. There will be more convictions. There will be more justice meted out.
Slowly but surely, the Trump story is coming to an end. We're not there yet. But, it will end.
It will.