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Day in, day out

The national media is a damned-site more interested in the “Trump-news-of-the-day” than we are at our house. I’d guess the same is true for the majority of Americans who regularly try to stay up-to-date on news-of-the-day.

National broadcast news has Trump leading almost every ‘cast. The same’s true for national print and online editions.

“Trump.” “Trump.” “Trump.”

Not everything about Trump – which is being force-fed – is worth reporting. Not every little legal movement-of-the day is worth the lead or “top-of-the-fold” reporting everywhere.

At a Republican Party dinner Friday night in Alabama, Trump repeated his claims that the latest criminal case he faces is an “outrageous criminalization of political speech.” He claimed his “enemies” were trying to stop him and his political movement with “an army of rabid, left-wing lawyers, corrupt and really corrupt Marxist prosecutors.”

He also railed about “deranged government agents” and “rogue intelligence officers.” He called the indictment “an act of desperation by a failed and disgraced, crooked Joe Biden and his radical left thugs to preserve their grip on power.”
I’ll give you the fact that -to our everlasting shame – the guy is a former – FORMER – President. Yes, he probably was a crook while sitting in the Oval Office. Yes, on paper, he may be a billionaire. And, he may not. And, yes, he may have been a local “personality” in New York City before he crept into the national spotlight.

But, he’s now under more than 40 federal criminal – not civil – indictments to be sorted out in various courts. He’s under active criminal investigation in several jurisdictions. And, recently discovered CC-TV tapes of his henchmen moving federally classified documents around his Florida home doesn’t look good.

That’s because Trump – and several of his legal types – have sworn there were no documents there – classified or otherwise -belonging to the feds. Which those closed circuit images reveal ’tain’t true!

As state and federal jurisdictions close in, only his blind, mostly Fox-fed and Newsmax-fed supporters will continue to believe him.

But now, he’s trying to go on offense. His “If-you’re-coming-after-me, I’m-coming-after-you” threat of recent days is an apparent first effort. It’s not likely federal folk involved are truly concerned about life-and-limb. But, it’s also likely some protective actions are taking place in New York and Washington D.C.. And possibly Florida.

Here, in our little Northwest neighborhood, the non-stop, massive over-coverage of all things Trump seems media overkill. But, whatever your source of daily events, you may also feel at arm’s-length from such regular media mayhem. The story may be important but we still go about our daily lives. And, there are other, sometimes equally important, events happening.

While wishing we could go about those activities without the constant “Trump beat,” the fact is -innocent or guilty – it’ll be years of coverage. There’ll be trials, appeals, re-appeals and more trials on other charges waiting in the wings. Many of us won’t live to see the end of Trump and other courtrooms scenarios. He may not, either.

Seems the best we can do is watch less – listen less – read less – and go about our business “above-the-fray.” There really are other stories and other news being reported.

As for me and mine, we’re down to one source. And, that’s just fine.


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