It's interesting to watch today's Republican Party twist, turn, shake and try to free itself of Trump and Trumpers.
As usual, GOPers on the street are smarter than the Party intelligentsia. Slowly - ever so slowly - Trumpers are being pushed aside - shunned - as if they were contagious.
Last week, Trump advocate Lindsey Graham was solidly booed for six minutes at a South Carolina Republican gathering. Booed! For six straight minutes! At a Trump Rally! Because he used the name "Trump" in his opening remarks at a Trump rally of that states GOP faithful. Six minutes. In his own hometown!
Other political pros are getting much the same reception if they use the Trump name or make favorable remarks about the Party's leading candidate for a jail cell.
Yes, there are by some counts, about 20-million folks who still worship at the Trump Shrine of Shame. Yes, that seems like a very large number. But, not when considering the estimated 30-40 million mainline Repubs who want nothing to do with the guy.
Yes, Party regulars are somewhat conservative - make that very conservative. And, that's O.K.. We need a strong two-party system. One that can honestly compete in the political world of push and pull. If that party is a bit right of center, the process can still work.
Trump is feeling the walls closing in. For the first time in his pitiful life, he can't run away, he can't ignore, he can't shift blame. He knows the charges against him are criminal rather than civil. That means his millions can't buy him out. There's no realistic way - or fiscal way - to avoid punishment.
Sometime - in the near future - he's going to have to "stand in the dock." And, conviction could see him trade his gold-trimmed, king-sized Mar-a-lago bed for a cot and one blanket in rather small, poorly lighted room. Living at taxpayer's expense..
While DJT's name and influence are now tied to the Republican Party, that will fade. It could be, if he's ultimately convicted of criminal offenses, there'll be a future severance of all things Trump. And, a Republican Party - eager to move on - will do so. Quickly.
But, given his propensity to find a media outlet eager for his presence,
he'll remain in constant contact with his minions. And the rest of us. He ain't going away.
The six-minute booing in South Carolina, at the mention of Trump's name, is rather remarkable. Over the long years of my life, I've heard booing of athletes, political candidates like George Wallace and assorted bad public actors. But, never six straight minutes! Even Lindsey Graham - poor, lost soul that he is - even he had to be embarrassed. In his hometown. His friends and GOP supporters.
One would hope there will be similar verbal outbreaks at future GOP events. If it can - and did - happen there, well, we'll keep listening. With a hopeful ear.