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Posts published in “Day: December 22, 2014”

When a bishop tries to mislead

carlson CHRIS


It always comes as a surprise, though it should not, when one sees “a man with a collar,” prove he is as fallible as the rest of us mere mortals, capable of misleading conduct and apparently as misguided by “the end justifies the means” philosophy as any other rudderless politician.

Such is the case with Archbishop Blasé Cupich, late of the Spokane diocese and the new Archbishop of Chicago.

In a recent article in the Spokesman-Review, the Archbishop impugns the integrity of Father Steve Dublinski, the current pastor at St. Augustine’s. This good priest served faithfully and well as the Vicar General (in effect, the chief operating officer for the Spokane diocese) for the past 12 years, first for Bishop William Skylstad and then for the Archbishop.

Anyone who knows, or has met or has worked with Father Steve knows he is a person whose integrity and commitment to truth and justice is above questioning and beyond reproach. He is devoted to the truth and the mission of the diocese.

Even if one does not know Father Steve, his action in resigning speaks volumes for him. It should be clear that such a resignation was an act of conscience on his part. It took courage to publicly split with the Bishop. It should also be obvious that the reason for Father Dublinski resigning as Vicar General was his refusal to go along with Cupich’s lawsuit for malpractice against the diocese’s outside legal counsel, the venerable Paine, Hamblen law firm.

If one reads carefully the article that appeared on December 16th in which Cupich is trying to undo the damage done to the diocese’ alleged case against the law firm, Cupich never denies having said to Vicar General Dublinski that he would “just throw some mud against the wall and see what sticks.

Rather, he says he never directed his lawyers to throw mud and see what sticks. It is a classic misdirection ploy that in the process has him implicitly questioning Father Steve’s integrity. This is simply outrageous and an insult to our intelligence. Ask yourself what would Father Steve gain by resisting Cupich’s apparent pressure to be supportive of his desires in this matter? (more…)

On the front pages


Here’s what public affairs news made the front page of newspapers in the Northwest today, excluding local crime, features and sports stories. (Newspaper names contracted with location)

Nuclear waste outgo held up at INL (Boise Statesman)
Inslee caught up in local levy variances (Moscow News)
Survey on dowtown Caldwell at C of I students (Nampa Press Tribune)
Questions arise about instant racing at Les Boise (Nampa Press Tribune)
Illnesses leading to more school absenteeism (TF Times News)

Highway 101 still closed by flooding (Eugene Register Guard)
Portland officials still battling over Mt Tabor (Portland Oregonian)
Attorney general shows list of bad charities (Salem Statesman Journal)

Port Orchard utility rates may rise (Bremerton Sun)
Snohomish ombudsman Koster apologizes on unions (Everett Herald)
Local officials call paving Mountain Loop road (Everett Herald)
Inslee not addressig school levy variance (Tacoma News Tribune, Longview News, Olympian)
Veterans Administration hiring more docs (Olympian)
Traffic getting much worse on I-405 (Seattle Times)
Frontier Airlines leaves Spokane (Spokane Spokesman)