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Posts published in “Day: July 6, 2014”

An unlikely state

idaho RANDY

This deep red state would not exist but for a Democratic president and a Democratic Idaho governor.
It might have been shaped like a square or a rectangle, the way most other western states are, or nearly are; in fact when Idaho Territory was first created in 1863, it was: It then included what is now Montana and most of Wyoming, which sounds ridiculously large but still is only a little larger than Texas. Montana and Wyoming were sloughed off after about a year.

What was left of Idaho did not look like promising state material. In some ways, the Nevada experience soured many people on remote, oddly-shaped and lightly populated states. Nevada had been admitted in a rush during the Civil War, after which its mining industry went crash and the state largely depopulated; it was so poorly run as to be called a “rotten borough.” Idaho as a territory was a little better than that after its first decade or so, but still more a collection of pieces than a logically coherent entity. The mountains in the center seemed to bar direct transportation and communication across its farther reaches, and even the relatively flat desert in the south was forbidding for travelers between its growing eastern and western reaches, where farming was taking hold. (The hospitable Magic Valley was still in the future.)
And the northern part of the state, which never got over losing the territorial capital, felt little connection to the south. Economically, socially, politically, the pieces were distinct.

So plans for splitting Idaho into pieces started early, and continued up to the advent of statehood.

It almost happened. The closest call came in the 1880s.

Nevada was still struggling, and among the ideas circulating there was a territorial expansion. It had few options. California and Oregon already were states, and unlikely to give up territory. Utah to the east was nearing statehood itself, but the Mormon identity of the area was holding it back in Congress; Nevada would never get approval for that annexation. But southwest Idaho was gaining in population and developing a stable economy. From Nevada's point of view, it looked scrumptious.
Washington territory was nearing statehood as well, and like other territories found that larger population bases always helped the case in Congress. Northern Idaho once had been part of Washington Territory, and even then Spokane was something a regional economic base. Why not a reunion?
And if those pieces were gone, the chances for Utah statehood would be improved if it gobbled eastern Idaho. (more…)

On the front pages


Here’s what public affairs news made the front page of newspapers in the Northwest today, excluding local crime, features and sports stories. (Newspaper names contracted with location)

Problems with Optum Idaho mental health (IF Post Register, TF Times News)
Preparing for legal pot in Washington (Lewiston Tribune, Nampa Press Tribune)
Emergency dispatchers prepare for texters (Nampa Press Tribune)
Examining Idaho's law on concealed carry (Nampa Press Tribune)
Controlled hunt tag redrawing set (TF Times News)

Algoma fire continues burn (KF Herald & News)
Public agencies using social media (Medford Tribune)
Lake Abert drying, wildlife there dying (Portland Oregonian)
Local cops carrying video recorders (Roseburn News Review)

County won't tax property on tribe lands (Everett Herald)
Retail pot opens on Tuesday (Seattle Times, Tacoma News Tribune)
Copper mining planned for Methow area (Seattle Times)
Spokane medical instructors drop out (Spokane Spokesman)
Trying to expand ATV area in Colville NF (Spokane Spokesman)
Reviewing Representative Herrera Beutler (Vancouver Columbian)
Criminal subculture following after prison (Vancouver Columbian)