This may wind up being as close as we get to an in-depth interview of Representative David Wu about the odd cascade of problems he’s had over the last year. Not in the Oregonian, which may not get him to sit for such an interview, but at Blue Oregon, the left-leaning blog.
The interview is still in the process of being released – as it’s being transcribed, say the two interviewers, Kari Chisholm and Carla Axtman. But the questions are certainly on point. Among them:
Where was the Congressman during the final 72 hours of the campaign? Had he been sequestered by his staff, away from the public?
After having an extraordinary allergic reaction to prescription drugs in 2008, what was Wu thinking when he accepted an unknown painkiller from a donor in 2010?
A lot of senior staff left shortly after the election, even though the reporting thus far doesn’t seem to add up to anything quite so dramatic. Why did they leave?
Why aren’t his former staff and consultants speaking on-the-record to media? Are they under a legal obligation to stay quiet?
Why did his pollster send an email saying that his staff needed to be “protected”? Protected from what?
Chisholm and Axtman drew no definitive conclusions as the series started. This will be worth watching over the next few days.
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