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This week in the Digests

Boeing tankers
Boeing gets the tanker contracts. (image/Boeing)

The legislative sessions continue to heat up, especially in Idaho but in Washington as well, in this week’s Public Affairs Digests for Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Also a lot else, including reports on the Air Fo0rce tanker contract for Boeing.

Some of the larger stories in the Washington edition:

bullet Census: Minority population grows fast
bullet Recovery project completed at Hanford
bullet Record DNA hits in state labs
bullet The Nisqually quake, 10 years after

In the Oregon edition:

bullet Census: Minority population grows
bullet Kitzhaber sets up review of the unneeded
bullet Wyden urges Patriot Act review
bullet Crime is down, but …
bullet Automatic admissions policy set
bullet Similarities to New Zealand quake
bullet Re-looking at Columbia River treaty

In the Idaho edition:

bullet Parts of Luna proposal clear Senate
bullet AG: Mortgage tops consumer complaints
bullet Archeological closures near Cottonwood
bullet Brownlee water levels drop

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