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Posts published in “Day: January 4, 2011”

“Sacrifice zone for foreign jobs”

Quite a bit of interest on this video about the megaload issue in this video (h/t to the OspreySteelheadNews blog). It is not a news vid - it is activist. But hang in toward the end, where there's some discussion about the large picture financial and business implications - where the push for the loads is coming from.

As is so often the case, follow the money.

Two years post-P-I

Close to two year has passed since the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, as a large and print publication, ended its run. And what of all the people who worked there?

The blog Safety Net has a thorough review, suggesting the longer-term results are maybe a little better than they once looked, but still far from great.

And remember as you read this that the people who worked at the P-I had on their resumes employment at one of the larger papers in the country.