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Posts published in “Day: February 19, 2010”

A hanging

Nothing like a hanging in a fortnight, the saying goes, to concentrate the mind. Or, maybe, prompt a fundraiser.

For all the Democrats' problems nationally, there's little indication (outside of a couple of polls that look like outliers) that the major Democratic figures in Washington or Oregon are in big trouble. The extreme rhetoric does show up in places, but the guess here it will mostly boomerang.

Like the blast by the TeaPartier at Asotin, unsatisfied with simply declaring Senator Patty Murray as wrong on the issues - no, she declared she wanted to hang her. (You can see this in the clip at about a half-minute in. The female speaker says: ""What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd. He got hung. And that's what I want to do with Patty Murray.")

How can this kind of garbage appeal to the majority of voters? Reality is, it probably won't; and we keep seeing indicators that it's wearing progressively thinner month by month.

Meanwhile, Murray's campaign is using the Asotin incident as another lever for fundraising. Makes sense.