For the true polisci junkies, a couple of posts with precinct maps - of how the elections went in Boise and Spokane.
In Spokane, Jim Camden's Spin Control blog contains a series of maps from the last Spokane elections - tracing voter turnout, population, fire bond results and so on. Nothing especially unexpected here, but the watchful will find some of the precinct results of interest.
In Boise, Nathaniel Hoffman of Boise Weekly pulled together a series of maps showing who won the council races by precinct. They are, again, not surprising - the incumbents and incumbent-aligned T.J. Thomson won Boise to the north and east of the Boise River and most of the bench, while the opposition (generally, Republican) won toward the west and south. It was a clear indicator, again, of the state of politics in the city.
The really wonkish will want to read Hoffman's description of how he developed the maps. It was a complicated process, complicated enough that for those of us interested in this kind of information raises the obvious question: Isn't there an easier way?