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Posts published in “Day: September 13, 2009”

Fish in the Klamath

The Northwest generally has had a decent water year, for the most part not enough water for flooding, but enough to at least come close to normal averages for purposes from agriculture to domestic to fish habitat. California has been less fortunate.

California is in a bad drought, and those conditions extend just about all the way north to Oregon. Conditions have actually resulted in street protests, and the biggest piece of failed legislation in this year's legislative session (which ended on Saturday) was a massive collection of water efforts. (A special session might be called to revisit it.)

Close to Oregon, there's some prospective Northwest impact. Fish are suffering in the northern river basins, including in the Klamath River, which straddles California and Oregon. The San Francisco Chronicle devoted a lead article to the subject today. As hot a topic as have been water flows in the Klamath, expect this subject to rise again in the next few months.