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Posts published in “Day: July 27, 2009”

Sifting endorsements

During general election season, we keep some track here of endorsements by newspapers around the Northwest; taken generally, they're an interesting thermostat both of the politicians and of the news media. It doesn't constitute, of course, some sort of uber-endorsement (vote as they say), just an indicator of who's lining up where.

To that extent, the recent rash of endorsements in Washington local government elections, by people who often have little to do with the local election, has some analytical value. As a serious marker of who to support, not so much.

Joel Connelly has collected a number of these, and some are laugh-inducing. Or should be. One argues the case for which King County executive candidate former Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson would have backed; remember that Jackson died close to three decades ago. There's a prospective endorsement in a Spokane race by initiative activist Tim Eyman, which would be fine if he lived in Spokane but less so as a resident of Puget Sound community of Mukilteo.