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Posts published in “Day: March 16, 2009”

More time for poetry?

Mark Trahant, who has been (as of this writing, presumably, still is) editorial page editor at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, has been on Twitter for a little while and doing something unusual with it: Composing four-line poems on subjects of the day. Today's topics include the AIG bailout and the shutdown of the print P-I.

This would be a good day to check it out.

Seattle P-I: Print ends Tuesday, web goes on

A sad day we knew was coming soon: Tomorrow marks the end of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer as a print publication. After tomorrow, it becomes web-only. One intriguing point: It will be "outside the JOA" - outside the agreement with the Seattle Times, with which its current website is linked. So this will be something new.

What will the web version be like? How will it differ from, say, Crosscut or Publicola? The early indications were not at all clear. The paper itself said "The so-called 'community platform' will feature breaking news, columns from prominent Seattle residents, community databases, photo galleries, 150 citizen bloggers and links to other journalistic outlets." That might have been one thing with a newsroom the size of the print P-I's; what it will be with 20 or so will emerge in the days ahead.

The transition goes on.