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Posts published in “Day: December 12, 2008”

PolitickerOR down,

READING Sad media news, and sad implications: The political web site, which has sustained not only a site but also a paid on-ground political reporter in Oregon, is closing its in-state operations. The site will evidently remain on line; what that means in terms of content, we'll all find out. The reason is the usual - bad economic conditions.

This is a shame in part because the site has been developing independent political news in the state, as few (still) online public affairs sites have. (We've been eager readers of the site's morning RSS feed, as well as the main site.) The commitment of an actual paid human reporter is unusual. And it held the prospect for developing a business model that could sustain online-only journalism. Evidently, not easily and not yet.

Fingers crossed for the Washington site.

WA: End of the legislative road

REPORT The end result of 98 races in the Washington House this year resulted in a margin - 62-36 - where it was about a year ago. They've lost a couple of seats, but also gained one before the election with a Republican defection (Fred Jarrett in eastern King County, now elected to the Senate as a Democrat) and one in Spokane.

That's where matters stand today after the very last legislative race was decided today southwest of Everett, when Republican Mike Hope, who had tried and fallen short against Democrat Hans Dunshee before, narrowly unseated Democrat Liz Loomis, by 138 votes - after a hand recount.

Two thoughts. One: There's some sense of being in a period of trench warfare between the parties, with an offhand expectation (which ongoing events could overturn) that the numbers won't change much in 2010 either. Two: Election day was November 4. This is December 12. Does it really have to take this long?