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Posts published in “Day: August 26, 2008”

ID: Regional splits

We tend not to focus heavily in individual poll results; having said that, Idaho is polled lightly enough that you tend to take them when they come.

The presidential poll released today by Greg Smith Associates (no link available) does put Idaho, in the national perspective, more or less where you'd think: Lagging behind only Utah and Wyoming in support for Republican John McCain over Democrat Barack Obama. Idaho (51.% McCain to 29.2% Obama) would likely be one of the last red states to turn blue.

Some of the cross-tabs are a little unexpected, though. That Obama would do better in southwest Idaho (32.3%, where there's a strong base in Boise) than most of the state would be expected. Comparable levels in the Magic Valley are not. And stronger McCain support among women than men seems off the beaten track, too.