There's an agreeable enough idea in this, and you could imagine other candidates doing something similar. Up to a point.
Rick Dancer, the Republican nominee for secretary of state, is a former Eugene television news anchor. Makes some sense, then, that he'd be running out some video and shape it around the look and feel of a light TV news spot. He's posted one such on his site, about his participation in a parade at Hillsboro, his home town.
It's agreeable enough and you can see some of the professional skill in it. Dancer comes off as a pleasant personality. The downside is that it is almost entirely content-free: The closest Dancer comes to anything having to do with the office he's running for is explaining to a child at the parade what it is a secretary of state does. (There's more video on the web site, similarly well-produced but limited in content.)
Can he use video for something other than a light featureish approach - to dig into substance? (Why do the links between Dancer and TV news seem so strong here . . .)
[Hat tip to the Eugene Register-Guard's Capitol Notebook.]