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The Veritas-Corder race

This recent post on the IdaBlue blog has been starting to get some attention and should get a good deal more. It’s bit like one of the strings of the puzzle on the show Lost: We know yet know exactly what it means, but it surely is odd. And it means something.

Quickly: The post concerns a flyer sent out on behalf of Clayton Cramer, who lost a primary challenge against Republican state Senator Tim Corder. The flyer was problematic because of its use of a picture of a soldier – and a woman, presumably his wife – who the casual viewer might think was Cramer; but it wasn’t (Cramer not being a soldier). Cramer apparently was not the sender of the piece and it seems not to have originated with him at all, however; evidently it was sent out by the Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry. IACI’s contractor in getting the piece put together and sent out was Veritas Advisors of Boise. Ad IdaBlue checked the public filings and, yet, Kirk Sullivan is listed as one of Veritas’ board members. That’s the same Kirk Sullivan who chairs the Idaho Republican Party.

More to come.

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