We're regular and interested readers of inside-the-media blogs; having been there, local media gossip usually seems interesting. (Here anyway.) Oregon, for example, has the fine Oregon Media Insiders, which often delivers as promised. But apart from the specialized Idaho Radio News, there's been not much by way of blogging Idaho's other media, newspapers and TV.
So we're automatically paying some attention to workingpresstoo, a new blog apparently focusing most directly on the Boise Idaho Statesman. One immediate concern is its anonymity, so far at least. Another (related) is agenda; a commenter on the Spokesman-Review's Huckleberries offered, "Let me spell it out. This site was created as a pushback for Larry Craig against the media who yanked him squealing out of his restroom closet. Probably one of his staffers or ex staffers or an angry GOP operative."
Based on the early posts, that seems to be about right. (One of them includes a truly odd conspiracy theory about how the Statesman somehow set up the Larry Craig restroom sting in Minneapolis, so that it could break a gay-Craig story in such a way that it would be beaten on its own story. Huh?) But it seems to be in very preliminary shape, so we'll hold out some hope and check back. A serious blog on Idaho newspapering would be a welcome addition - and if this isn't it, maybe someone else will pick up on the idea.