Not a lot of Idaho legislators were close to former state representative, now U.S. Representative-elect Bill Sali, but state Senator Gerry Sweet, R-Meridian, certainly was.
The past tense refers not to the relationship, which continues tightly, but to Sweet's role in the legislature - he has resigned his seat in the Idaho Senate to become Sali's in-state district manager. He's a logical choice in that regard.
There are other regards. Sweet was hashed last session for missing a lot of votes so that he could attend to his pribvate business, which often meant attending gun shows and similar events. The Associated Press reported then, "he absences of Sen. Gerry Sweet, R-Meridian, drew criticism from some lawmakers who say he hasn’t paid enough attention to one of the Legislature’s most important panels. Sweet didn’t vote on 63 of 200 budget bills for fiscal year 2007, based on figures provided by the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee to The Associated Press."
But then, while the job of state senator is part time, that of district manager of a congressional office is full time. Usually.
FOLLOWING: With his letter of resignation lodged, the district's Republican central committee has about two weeks to nominate replacements (usually three are nominated). The governor then picks one - which leads to the question of which governor will make the choice, Jim Risch or Butch Otter? The time frame would allow for either to do so . . .